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Our church family seeks to live faithfully, charitably, and joyously by providing a number of ways in which we can live out our faith with each other and in our community.

God is the author of holy matrimony.  Through marriage, God desires to bless husbands and wives in a relationship that is unlike any other.

Those who seek to be married in our sanctuary will participate in six pre-marriage counseling sessions with the pastor.  The sessions will explore God's general plan for married couples and help the prospective bride and groom to think through some of the more challenging growing edges relating to their marriage.  

Most couples have reported that the counseling sessions have been surprising, enriching and fun.

Sunday School


At 9:00 a.m., prior to worship on Sunday mornings, adults gather in the church Fellowship Hall (downstairs)  to study the Word of God.  The study usually takes the form of a facilitated discussion that is led by the pastor.  

We have a Christian Education department that is active and engaged in both adult and youth ministries.  Currently, there is no Sunday School for youth because there are no youth who come at that time.  We look forward to re-commencing with our youth Sunday School whenever that opportunity to serve returns to us.

Informal Wednesday Worship

We come together at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings for a casual worship experience.  The service is designed to meet the needs of those looking for a mid-week pick-me-up and for those who cannot get to church on Sundays for whatever reason (e.g., jobs, sports, etc.).  Instead of meeting in the sanctuary, we meet in the basement of the church, where we sit in the circles and mostly sing songs that worshipers choose out of a songbook of praise and Christian folk songs.  There is guitar accompaniment for the songs.  Worshipers  may also read short Scriptures and offer up prayers and praises.  God is worshiped and spirits are lifted.  Please feel free to come and participate.  See if this is something that may bless you and your family.

Arkport Presbyterian Church

A local gathering of the family of God.

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